Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Are you going through life without really paying attention?
Brother John, Brother John
Brothers and sisters who are experiencing similar feelings or experiences,
Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Dawn has some insights to share!
Ding, Dang, Dawn! Ding, Dang, Dawn!

Bad Hair Day

Here's one for my archives--dedicated to new parents or teachers

Discipline can be compared to the way you style your hair. Are you "in-control" or do you just want it to be manageable? Neither seems right or wrong until you have "a bad hair" day. A person who controls their hair with curlers, spritz, foam, hair dryer, hair straighteners and mousse can really be thrown when this side refuses to lie down. Think now of the manager who brushes their hair, only to find one side with a wave-so that is the hair's choice today--something to be dealt with-the manager then tries all the optionsl--the barett, the raid, the hairband, the panytail, etc.and finds the plan that will work for today--sometime by the way-both resort to the hat! But in the long run, or the short run, consider which one maintains their sanity over the small issues-the controller or the manager?

So the next time you have a "bad hair day" with the kids, consider how much "mousse" you "usse"! Do you manage the situation and try all the options or do you try to control the situation?

Taking management a bit further is the training aspect. Remember, the days of wearing wings in your hair and when you first got them cut you had to "train" them to go back, otherwise they hung straight down by your face! It's the same with kids in a new situation, they need good training in the beginning, but once they know what to do--just like the bangs or the wings=--they will (on most days) fall right into place on manageable days! But keep that bag of baretttes and hair bands ready...

Visions of Peace Introduction

We know that negative feelings can separate us from others and God’s peace.  When we react to these feelings we feel shame, regret, or sinful. These are more negative feelings. And thus begins a downward spiral.