Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Are you going through life without really paying attention?
Brother John, Brother John
Brothers and sisters who are experiencing similar feelings or experiences,
Morning bells are ringing! Morning bells are ringing!
Dawn has some insights to share!
Ding, Dang, Dawn! Ding, Dang, Dawn!

Reading the Bible In One Year

So my New Year's Resolution is reading through the entire Bible in a year.  I've done it before, thanks to my sister who gave me a daily walk Bible in 1987!  My viewpoint then was dramatically different than it is now.  And since the Bible is the LIVING word, I know it is always alive and different according to your life circumstances.  So, I'm going to read through it again.  This time, I'm taking a very studious approach.  I'm going to pray before I start, read the "prescribed" selection according to the date, and then close the book and journal about what my thoughts are, what stands out to me, what it means to me according to what life and the Holy Spirit are guiding me to that day.  I'll be writing my thoughts here in this blog and you are invited to join me.  I hope you will hold me accountable.  I hope you will read and let God guide you through this process as well.  I hope it will be more fun than work!!  It should be at least insightful!  So, Happy New Year and may God Bless Us One and All!!  You in? click here to if you are on a PC (not compatible to mac yet)